Four different painters approach the timeless and enduring theme of ‘twilight’ in a beautiful, scary and poetic group show at ARO gallery from October 31st- November 11th. The paintings vary from realistic (Feneley and Hunter Mills) to expressionistic (Baily) and abstract (Mowbray). All artists extend and provoke their materials to the limit, with skill and wit- the luscious darks of Feneley’s huge oil on canvas works- Hunter Mills’ panache with muted greys and stylish gradations in oil on board- Baily’s unusually large watercolours in glowing saturated hues- the layered, textured and delicious handling of oil paint by Mowbray.
I am delighted to be showing with this group.
Please come!
Opening Night Function: Thursday November 1st 6-8pm
Second Opening Event; saturday 3rd November 2-4pm